Pendant in sterling silver enameled, Archangel Saint-Michael and the Dragon, Austria 18th

Sterling silver pierced and enameled polychrome decorated with Archangel Saint-Michael slaying the Dragon, and of fantastic animals (griffins) on the sides, decorated with small colored gemstones and beads, in the style of the Renaissance, certainly from Austria, period end early eighteenth-nineteenth.
This pendant is in good condition and is of exceptional quality by the fineness of carving. The colors are still very vivid.
A note: slight wear to see pictures use.
In Western medieval iconography and the following centuries, St. Michael is usually depicted slaying a dragon symbolizing Satan, not a single demon.
According to the Apocalypse, in fact, the Dragon is one of the names of Satan, Rev. 12, 9: "Thus was overthrown the great dragon, snake primitive, called Devil and Satan. "Rev. 20, 2:" I saw another angel coming down from heaven: he was holding the key of the abyss and a great chain. He seized the dragon, the snake primitive, which is none other than the Devil and Satan. "But if medieval iconography, in its representations of St. Michael, is most often the dragon4 slaying the dragon represents Satan and there it has nothing in common with the dragon hunters saints like Saint George and Saint Géry other.