
HSP biblical painting characters Joseph Jacob Tunic Old Testament 18th

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900 527

Saling price :
600,00 €

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Oil on panel representing a biblical scene from the Old Testament The Tunic of Joseph *, when his brothers present his bloody tunic to their father Jacob to inform him of his alleged death, from the 18th century.

This table is in good condition. Its setting is recent.

A note: some small scratches and tiny lack of paint, wear of time, see photos

* The Book of Genesis says that Joseph is one of the twelve sons of Jacob and the first of the two sons (with Benjamin) of Rachel. He was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, but became the most powerful man in Egypt alongside Pharaoh. According to the Bible account, Joseph is his father's favorite son, Jacob. One day when Joseph joins his brothers who have left to graze the flocks, the brothers plot against him. The elder, Ruben, does not want Joseph killed. Rather, it will be stripped and then thrown to the bottom of a well. Midianite merchants, who pass by there, pull Joseph from the tank. They sell it for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites, who take him to Egypt. His brothers use the tunic and lamb's blood to make their inconsolable father Jacob believe that Joseph was dead.

Data sheet

  • Cadre 35 cm x 40,5 cm
  • Panneau 27,8 cm x 33,9 cm