Oil on canvas framed under glass representing Baron Lemoine *, Lieutenant General of the French Army, born in Saumur on November 23, 1764. '' Like Bayard he defended Mézière. Painted by Tremblai.
Note some missing on the frame.
The monk
He entered service on March 13, 1783 in the Brie regiment, he became a non-commissioned officer in 1786, and captain of the Saumur volunteers on March 30, 1791. On September 15, 1791 he was elected lieutenant-colonel second to the 1st battalion of volunteers from Mayenne -et-Loire, and colonel on September 1, 1792. He took part in the battle of Jemappes on November 6, 1792, at the siege of Maastricht in February 1793 and in the battle of Neerwinden on March 18, 1793. He was little appreciated because of his hard character 2.
He was promoted to brigadier general on September 1, 1793. He served in the army of the Alps, then in the army of the Eastern Pyrenees, and was wounded at the battle of Saint-Laurent de la Mouga on November 17, 1794. On the 15th February 1795 he joined the army of the coasts of Brest, and he was appointed general of division on January 1, 1796 in the army of the coasts of the Ocean. Commander of the Manche department, he was assigned on September 22, 1796 to General Hoche for the preparation of the Irish expedition.
On January 30, 1797 he transitioned with General Hoche to command the Army of Sambre-et-Meuse, and in April he commanded the 2nd Division of the vanguard of this army. On June 9, 1797 he returned to Paris, and on September 23 he took command of the 17th military division, before joining the British Army on December 13. On April 16, 1798 he was assigned to the Italian army, and in November he received command of the 2nd army division. In August 1799 he joined the right wing of General Gouvion-Saint-Cyr's corps, then on September 22 the center of General Championnet's corps. He was put on reform leave on September 11, 1800.