
Byzantine Greek icon Resurrection Christ Anastasis soldiers angels 17th century

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D30 159

Saling price :
1 000,00 €

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Greek-Byzantine icon (oil on panel) representing the Scene of the Resurrection of Jesus* known as Anastasis, with Christ standing above his empty tomb, in glory surrounded by the choir of angels; to his right the two myrrhophoric women (or Holy Women); below the tomb, soldiers sleeping or contemplating, from the 17th century.

This icon is in good general condition, very high quality. Old collection label on the back.

Please note: some small accidents and lack of paint, some old holes, wear and tear, look carefully at the photos.

* The Resurrection of Jesus

or Resurrection, is one of the fundamental beliefs of Christian theology and the Christology which forms its center. In the texts of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, after his crucifixion ordered by Pontius Pilate and his death on the Cross, Jesus is placed in the tomb. Two days later, the Holy Women and in particular Mary Magdalene noted that the heavy stone which closed the tomb had been rolled away and that the sepulcher was empty. Jesus then appears to several of his disciples, including the Apostles. From the end of the 13th century, and probably under the secular and non-liturgical influence of the mysteries (theatrical representations), Western artists began to let their imagination run wild and design scenes that no witness is supposed to have. never seen before: Christ emerging triumphantly from the tomb, Jesus raised in the air above sleeping soldiers. In the East, Jesus is represented descending into hell to deliver Adam, Eve and the righteous people of the Old Testament and pagan Antiquity.

Data sheet

  • Panneau 33,5cm x 28,2 cm