Vase roll Chubei * cloisonne on porcelain "totaI Shippo" richly decorated with a bird among colorful flowers, flowers in medallions and stylized plant motifs, from Japan, from Meiji era (1868-1912) end nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
This vase is in good condition and is of high quality and fine design. The base with strapping must be reported.
A note: some small accidents and micro-chips on cloisonne, dirt, wear and scratches time, see photos.
At the beginning of the Meiji era, the Japanese government wants to promote the art and craft of the country for export. New techniques were tested. In particular, a craftsman Nagoya Takeuchi Chubei, devised a set cloisonné technique on porcelain 1870 called totaI Shippo. Despite their success, they were not produced very long because very fragile and expensive to make.