
Cashmere shawl former palm flowers Boteh nineteenth century

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Saling price :
295,00 €

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Superb old cashmere shawl * in stylized floral motifs, with a central flower decorated with palms and palm motifs (Boteh) on the sides, signed in the center of XIXth century.

This shawl is enbon condition, it is large and of good quality. It is also signed in the center.

A report: a few small holes in places (see red arrows), slight wear time, see photos.

* The cashmere shawl

prevailed throughout the 19th century European fashion. At the end of the 18th century, women of high society in French and English were used in clothing or decoration. The success of the cashmere shawl in France begins with the Egyptian campaign of Bonaparte 1798.Les officers report in their luggage. It is from this moment and for over 70 years an essential element of the feminine wardrobe and a strong symbol of belonging and social success. While in Europe the cashmere shawl is a purely feminine accessory, India, his country of origin, it is reserved for men who wear belt or turban. Woven in Kashmir since the 15th century, it is most often rectangular. Initially, decorated with flowers, decor will evolve into a center united finished at both ends by borders which fit Boteh called flippers. Manufacturing centers shawls grow in England, Austria, France and Russia.

Data sheet

  • Dimensions 225 cm x 221,5 cm