Superb and rare small Egyptian funerary statuette called Oushebti *, glazed earthenware.
This Oushebti is in good condition, it is in its own juice. It is authentic.
A note: light shine on the left side of the foot, wear time, see photos.
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(Shaouabtis, ushabtis Egyptian, "bondsmen", "respondents", "funerary figurines" ...) are small statuettes depicting a figure standing, usually wrapped in strips (mummy), sometimes dressed with arms crossed grab instruments or various attributes. A text written on the servant gives the name and titles of the owner, supplemented by Chapter 6 of the Book of the Dead, which specifies the function of the figure: run in the other world, instead of death, work Agricultural required. The first examples appeared in the Middle Kingdom (circa 1991-1786 BC. JC, 12th Dynasty). . The New Kingdom (18th Dynasty, 1555-1305 BC, it is still mummy, holds amulettes.Tous instruments and materials were used: wood, "Egyptian faience" to varying shades depending on the time, the terracotta and even bronze.