English penknife pen sharpener wood metal George Wostenholm Sheffield 19th century

Old pen sharpener in wood, steel and metal, signed IXL George Wostenholm*, at one end the cookie cutter; on the other a penknife, from the 19th century.
This pen sharpener is in good general condition. Signature at the base of the blade.
Please note: some dirt and traces of oxidation, scratches and wear over time, see photos.
"WOLSTENHOLME, GEORGE & SON, Manufacturers of Table Knives and Forks, Pen, Pocket and Sport Knives, and General Cutlery Dealers, 78 Rockingham Street". In 1834, after the death of his father, the third George Wostenholm took over the reins of the company. Although the business enjoyed considerable success under his father's leadership, it was the third George who catapulted the Wostenholms to the leadership of Sheffield knife manufacturing. The I*XL mark was originally registered in 1787 in the name of a WA Smith. The Company of Cutlers' trademark books show that I*XL was registered with Wostenholm in 1831. Wostenholm also manufactured an extensive line of folding knives which also proudly bore the I*XL trademarks and were carried in the pockets of a large number of Americans.