Very nice seal or stamp * bronze, wooden manqhe turned, representing the arms of a knight with a coat of arms with two stars, a flower, surmounted by a helmet, XIXth century.
This seal is in good condition.
A note: slight wear from use on the stamp, see photos.
* Stamp: collectible copies, the oldest dating back four millennia BCE. The stamp was first used to affix the mark of a personal character to ensure the contents of a box or envelope, the authenticity of a document. It also also used the term seal. The little personal touch is indeed used in Europe since the Middle Ages. It may be a ring mounted with an intaglio of hard stone, or a gold bezel engraved hollow (the signet rings are something else!). But there are many-fitted seals, made of a hard stone engraved intaglio: carnelian, garnet, sapphire, rock crystal, agate; some are even antique intaglios. These little pills are sometimes jewelery that is dangling from a chain or the lady; such as boxes, it is often a gift item. These fees vary in size: it is in tiny embedded in pretty frames of chased gold, other 1.5 to 2cm in diameter mounted on a handful of gold, of primping, chased silver, pearl, hard stone, wood ...
Coat: coat of arms and in terms of collection, we say rather "Arms". For an object being emblazoned is a quality that may sousrce a slight gain. A coat of arms, surmounted by a crown of count or marquis, always flatters the vanity of its owner. The presence of weapons is often a sign of quality and allows for the provenance of an object, but only if we engage in a heraldic research.
(See Larousse antiques and flea market).